
After pregnancy and weight loss there is often a sagging of the skin, especially in the abdomen region, as well as a softening of the corresponding muscle groups. These changes often persist despite sports activity and dietary changes.

In abdominal plastic, flabby skin is removed together with excess fat tissue, and often at the same time the muscular groups are brought together and the appearance of the abdominal cord is corrected.

The scar is located on the lower part of the abdomen and can be hidden by the underpants.

During the period following the operation, wearing an elastic bandage is considered necessary.

Anaesthesia: General

Average process time:


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“Based on harmony, simplicity and aesthetic, in order to ensure
the desired result and always respecting the personalized needs of
each patient, we provide specialized solutions of Aesthetic and
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery”.

Dr. Evangelos Lampros





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003024210 38649



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