Liposuction removes excess adipose tissue, giving the body a more beautiful shape, correcting contour and creating a more attractive appearance.
It can be carried out in a variety of areas, such as the:
– abdomen
– waist
– thighs
– buttocks
– upper arms
– throat
and thus gives the body or face a more harmonious shape.
The cuts through which the cannulas for liposuction are inserted are only a few millimeters long.
It can be used alone or in combination with other surgical procedures, such as abdominal, upper-armplastic or thigh lift.
During the period following the operation, wearing an
elastic bandage is considered necessary.
Anaesthesia: General or Local
Average process time:

Other treatments


Thigh lift

Upper arm lift



Call us today on 00302421038649 or on 00302551028580 or send us a
message so that you can plan a visit in our clinic.
“Based on harmony, simplicity and aesthetic, in order to ensure
the desired result and always respecting the personalized needs of
each patient, we provide specialized solutions of Aesthetic and
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery”.