The repositioning of adipose tissue has been used for several years to compensate for areas with volume losses and to shape the contours of different regions. It is applied in areas such as the:
– face
– breast (breast enlargement with fatty tissue)
– buttocks (gluteal region) (brazilian butt lift)
The adipose tissue is removed from regions where it is abundant (eg. abdomen, buttocks, thighs) and, after appropriate processing, injected into the desired areas with special needles.
Postoperatively, wearing an elastic bandage is considered necessary
Anaesthesia: General or Local
Average process time:

Other treatments

Breast augmentation

Hyaluronic acid



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“Based on harmony, simplicity and aesthetic, in order to ensure
the desired result and always respecting the personalized needs of
each patient, we provide specialized solutions of Aesthetic and
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery”.